Distribution Panels

Product Specifications

For the main distribution panel frame, 40x40x4 mm angle iron or similar profile iron is used. The thickness of the DKP sheet used in the panels should be at least 2 mm. If switches and control elements that will have mechanical effect on the panel sheet will be placed, it is better to choose 3 mm sheet thickness. Main distribution panels are manufactured in accordance with TS 3367 and IEC 439 as standard up to 1600 kVA.

The features of the main distribution panels vary according to the facility to be used. In places such as water well pumps, external feature and measurement panel, distribution panel and compensation panel are installed together. In small facilities, the main distribution panel with electric meter and compensation panel are together. In facilities built according to the old regulations, the main distribution panel with electricity meter and compensation panel are together. According to the new regulations, if it is a pole type transformer plant, the electricity meter will be located in the metering panel mounted next to the pole. If it is a building type transformer plant, the electricity meter will be located in the modular measurement cell. According to the old regulations, in pole type transformer plants, the electricity meter in the main distribution panel must be placed in the measurement panel located outside at the base of the pole.

In the main distribution panel of the large facility; copper busbars, main switch, output switches, current transformers. If the distribution panels are to be installed outside the building, they must be of external type. For installation inside the building, it should be installed with internal natural ventilation or aspirator. If necessary, internal lighting can also be installed. Measuring instruments can also be mounted on the main distribution panels. In order to prevent touching the busbars in the panels, the top of the busbars should be protected with transparent fibreglass glass.

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