According to the cooling method, it differs from oil type transformers. HV windings are transformers coated with epoxy cast resin under vacuum. LV windings are transformers that can be manufactured with both cast resin and resin impregnated prepreg method.
They are produced in the power range 25-25000 kVA, up to 36 kV voltage level, with the option of natural air cooled (AN) or fan cooled (AF). By utilising the cooling fan, the % can achieve a power increase of up to 40%.
Dry type transformer manufacturing, which requires advanced technology and know-how, has been increasing its market share day by day compared to oil type transformers with increasing customer demands in recent years. However, in today's technology, especially the production of large power dry type transformers above 36 kV voltage level involves technological difficulties. Research and development studies on this subject continue at full speed.
Yağ gibi çevreye zararlı bir soğutma sıvısının olmaması, yangın riskinin daha az olması, bakım gerektirmemesi, rutubet ve neme karşı dayanıklı olması, uzun süre işletmede olmamasına rağmen her an sorunsuz devreye alınabilme özelliği ve fan soğutma takviyesi ile nominal gücün %40’ına kadar fazla yüklenebilmesi gibi nedenlerle yağlı tip dağıtım transformatörlerine göre daha fazla tercih edilmektedir. Bununla birlikte günümüzde aynı güçte bir yağlı tip transformatöre göre satış fiyatının daha yüksek olması en önemli olumsuz yanı olan kuru tip dağıtım transformatörleri, son yıllarda satış payını sürekli arttırmaktadır.
Products conforming to MLZ 099.31.B Specification
- Products with 33 kV Voltage value
- Products with 15.8 kV Voltage value
- Products with 10.5 kV Voltage value
- Products with 6.3 kV Voltage value
Products Conforming to IEC Standards
- Products with 33 kV Voltage value
- Products with 22 kV Voltage value
- Products with 15 kV Voltage value
- Products with 11 kV Voltage value
- Products with 6.3 kV Voltage value
Products in accordance with EN 50588-1 Standards (EU548_2014)
- Products with 20 kV Voltage value
- Products with 10 kV Voltage value